Technical casein

Сasein technical is intended not for the use in food by the person, and for use as technical raw materials in many industries. As a professional Technical Casein manufacturer and supplier, Agritrade FZCO has been exporting Technical caseinate from United Arab Emirates since 2000, so you can be confident in buying Technical Casein at Agritrade FZCO. Please feel free to email any inquiries and problems to [email protected]. Our B2B trade specialists will contact you within 24 hours of sending your inquiry during office hours. We will provide you with information about the product, its origin, price and method of delivery. We will also help you make a decision as to the choice of a specific product by presenting its industrial applications. As wholesale specialists, we will be able to provide high-level service with transparent trade rules. All trading transactions run smoothly with us!

Technical casein
Packaging information
Packaging information for Technical casein
Qty in 20' FCL:12MT
Min. Order:1000KG

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Description of technical casein

Technical casein, also known as acid casein or insoluble casein, is a protein derived from milk. It is produced by acidifying milk to a pH of approximately 4.6, which causes the casein protein to precipitate out of the milk. This precipitated casein is then washed and dried to produce the final product.

Technical casein is used in a wide range of industrial applications, including adhesives, coatings, and plastics. It is valued for its ability to form strong, durable bonds with a variety of substrates, as well as its resistance to water, heat, and chemicals.

Overall, technical casein is an important industrial ingredient with a wide range of applications, thanks to its unique chemical and physical properties.

Application of technical casein

Technical casein is used in a wide range of industrial applications, including:

  • Adhesives: Technical casein is commonly used as an adhesive in paper and board laminating, packaging, and labeling applications. It is valued for its ability to form strong, durable bonds with a variety of substrates.
  • Paints and coatings: Technical casein is used as a binder in paints and coatings, where it improves adhesion and water resistance.
  • Plastics: Technical casein is used as a plasticizer and filler in the production of plastics, where it can improve strength and durability.
  • Textiles: Technical casein is used as a sizing agent in the production of textiles, where it can improve strength, stiffness, and water resistance.

Overall, technical casein is a versatile ingredient that is used in a wide range of industrial applications, thanks to its unique chemical and physical properties.